Goals & Plans Update

(Siblings) (Dog: Toby) (Dog: Copper) Goals: At the beginning of the semester, I made a list of goals that I wanted to accomplish this spring. Here are the ones I was able to accomplish: -Find Internship/Apply/Get Offer -Build Successful Network Team -Begin Grad School Process I am glad I was able to set my mind to these goals and complete them by the end of the semester. I will be going to my internship this summer from June-August in Houston as a photographer for a special needs camp. I was able to build a more successful network by having regular meetings with my professors and receiving guidance for my future endeavors. I also had regular meetings with career development to help me begin the process of getting into grad school and which program I best fit in. Plans: After the semester is over, I plan to relax for a bit before I get into something new again. I want to spend time with my family and live in the moment before I go off to my internship....